Dr. Benjamin Bagozzi
Associate Professor, Political Science and International Relations
University of Delaware
405 Smith Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Benjamin Bagozzi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science & International Relations at the University of Delaware. He also leads the Social Analytics Data Lab (SADL) and is an Assistant Director of the Data Science Institute at UD. His primary areas of specialization are political methodology and international relations. Within international relations, his research and teaching interests include environmental politics, human rights, and the study of political violence. Methodologically, he teaches and conducts research in computational social science, text-as-data, and political event data. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation and the Knight Foundation, among others.​
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Recent Publications
Bagozzi, Benjamin E., Patrick T. Brandt, John R. Freeman, Jennifer S. Holmes, Alisha Kim, Agustin Palao Mendizabal, and Carly Potz-Nielsen. 2019. "The Prevalence and Severity of Underreporting Bias in Machine and Human Coded Data." Political Science Research and Methods. 7(3): 641-649.
Young, Dannagal G., Benjamin E. Bagozzi, Abigail Goldring, Shannon Poulson, and Erin Drouin. 2019. "Psychology, Political Ideology, and Humor Appreciation: Why is Satire so Liberal?" Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 8(2): 134-147.
Bagozzi, Benjamin E. and Daniel Berliner. 2018. "The Politics of Scrutiny in Human Rights Monitoring: Evidence from Structural Topic Models of U.S. State Department Human Rights Reports." Political Science Research and Methods. 6(4): 662-677.
Berliner, Daniel, Benjamin E. Bagozzi, and Brian Palmer-Rubin. 2018. "What Information Do Citizens Want? Evidence from One Million Public Information Requests in Mexico." World Development.109: 222-235.
Political Methodology; International Relations; Computational Social Science; Environmental Politics; Political Violence; Data Science​​​​​
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