Dr. Julio Carrion
Associate Professor, Political Science and International Relations
Associate Chair, Political Science and International Relations
University of Delaware
467 Smith Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Julio Carrión, PhD (University of Pittsburgh,
1993) joined the Department in 1998. He specializes in Latin
American and Comparative Politics. He is currently conducting research
on mass support for authoritarian alternatives in Latin America.
He teaches courses in Latin American Politics and data analysis
for political science.
Recent Publications
and Populism in the Andes: A Problematic Coexistence.” In Richard
Millet, Jennifer Holmes, and Orlando Pérez (editors), Latin American
Democracy: Emergent Reality or Endangered Species? Second Edition.
New York: Routledge. Forthcoming 2015.
in the Twenty-First Century: Confronting the Past, Charting the Future” (co-authored
with David Scott Palmer). In Howard Wiarda and Harvey Kline (editors), Latin
American Politics and Development. Eight Edition. Boulder, CO:
Westview Press, 2013.
Cultura Política de la
Democracia en el Perú, 2012: Hacia la igualdad de oportunidades. (Political
Culture of Democracy in Peru, 2012: Towards Equality of Opportunity) Lima:
Vanderbilt University-Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2012 (co-authored with
Patricia Zárate).
Support in a Context of Crisis and Recovery in Peru, 1985-2008” (with Moisés
Arce), Journal of Politics in Latin America, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010:
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