"Girding for Battle: Political Movers and Shakers at the University of Delaware" is the title of the University of Delaware's 2011 National Agenda speaker series, which spotlights leading journalists, strategists, campaigners and Washington watchdogs.
Speakers, including New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie and CNN Sunday political program host Candy Crowley, will discuss politics, politicians and the political landscape as the United States prepares for the 2012 elections.
National Agenda is sponsored by the University's Center for Political Communication and will run every other Wednesday from Sept. 14 through Nov. 16. Sessions, which are free and open to the public, will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Mitchell Hall.
Ralph Begleiter, director of the Center for Political Communication, will moderate. "Combined with the appearance at UD of Vice President Joe Biden on Sept. 16, the National Agenda series this fall demonstrates again the University of Delaware's role as the 'epicenter of politics,'" said Begleiter. "Students, faculty, staff and the Delaware community have a unique opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the sharpest minds practicing American politics."
The opening presentation will be Sept. 14 and will feature Candy Crowley, CNN's chief political correspondent. Crowley will speak on the topic "Broke … and Broken? Assessing the U.S. Political Scene."
The series will continue as follows:
- Sept. 28 -- National political strategists Chris Lehane, a former aide to President Bill Clinton, and Steve Schmidt, former campaign chief for John McCain, will speak on "Handicapping the Race."
- Oct. 5 -- Pamela Constable, Washington Post war correspondent, will speak on the tenth anniversary of the war in Afghanistan.
- Oct. 19 -- Political ad campaigners Joe Slade White and Valerie Biden Owens will speak on "Selling the Candidates."
- Nov. 2 -- Washington political watchdog Melanie Sloan will discuss "Scandalous Politicians."
- Nov. 16 – New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie, a rising star in the GOP and a UD alumnus, will explore challenges faced by U.S. governors in the current economic and political climate.